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  2. Shifts and schedules
  3. Changing or updating your availability

Changing or updating your availability

Under “Shift planning” in the Scoober app, you can see the overview of your shifts and when you have to work. To change your shift plan, you must select the shift you want to change by clicking on the three dots next to it. Then Select “update” and you will be able to make the change.


You must update your shift schedule or your availability on Sundays and 6 weeks before.

If you need to change your shift schedule and it is less than 7 days away, reach out to your courier coordinator/team leader via phone or email.

Guide to shiftplanning

To help you answer any questions regarding shiftplanning, we’ve created a guide to answer any questions about the procedures.

The minimum amount of hours in a shift is 4 hours and 3 hours if you have approved it. Maximum (without a break) is 5 hours. For shifts longer than 5 hours, you will automatically be assigned an unpaid 30 minutes break.

You will be able to see an overview of your shifts in the Shift Planning from Friday onward.

Updated on May 22, 2024

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