Speak up!

At Just Eat Takeaway, we are committed to conducting our business with honesty and integrity. We care about you, each other, our consumers, restaurant partners, suppliers, society and our environment. A big part of that is making sure you feel comfortable and safe speaking up without fear of it getting back to you.

What do we mean by “speaking up”?

You will use “Speak Up” if you provide information to us that you believe indicates:

  • Bribery, fraud, or other criminal activity
  • Modern slavery
  • High risk attitudes to someone’s health and safety
  • A breach of our Code of Conduct
  • Sexual harassment
  • Risk or actual damage to the environment
  • A miscarriage of justice
  • A company in the Just Eat Takeaway.com Group breaking the law
  • Unethical or dishonest conduct
  • A violation of any of our policies, procedures or protocols
  • Someone covering up wrongdoing

Speak Up if you spot wrongdoing

At JET, we’re committed to doing business the right way. We need you to help us on that journey, by letting us know about any wrongdoing. If you choose to use “Speak Up”, we will listen and act on it. It is very important to us that you can feel safe using “Speak Up”. We will at all times take any concern that is reported to us and ensure that it is treated confidentially.

How can you speak up?

You can contact your Courier Coordinator or City Operations manager. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, we also have a Speak Up Hotline, which is a service operated by Convercent (an external and independent organisation) their phone number is +45 8082 0058

Be Aware!

Please note that this hotline is not an emergency service. If your safety or the safety of someone else is in danger, contact your local emergency services.

You can also report your concern online using this link. Convercent supports over 340 languages, so you can submit your report online or by phone in the language you prefer.



Please raise your concern as soon as possible – don’t hold off because you feel you need to gather evidence. If you suspect something is wrong, speak up!

Online report

If you make a report online, you can choose to give your name or remain anonymous.


While we understand there might be situations where you feel you have no choice but to remain anonymous, anonymous reports are harder for us to investigate. Please be reassured that we will not tolerate retaliation of any kind against you where you have raised a concern to us.

What happens next?

Once you have raised your concern, it will be fully investigated. The purpose of the investigation is to gather evidence and facts about the raised concern. You’ll be informed about the progress of the investigation within seven days of the concern being raised.

Good to know:

If your report was made anonymously via Convercent, you’ll need to call them on the number provided above or check the Speak Up website to receive progress updates.

Once the investigation is completed, a decision will be made about what actions we need to take. If we have found evidence of the concern, consequences might include dismissal, passing details onto law enforcement, or changes to our policies and procedures to prevent similar issues from arising again in the future.

Who will investigate the issue?

  • The Group HR Director looks after HR-related matters, such as discrimination or harassment.
  • The Director Compliance looks after all other matters, except where the matter has gone to the General Counsel & Company Secretary.

If you want to flag something about a member of the Management Board or Supervisory Board, your report will go to the General Counsel & Company Secretary.

The Group HR Director, Director Compliance or the General Counsel & Company Secretary may delegate the investigation to other people, but will stay responsible for the investigation.

We do not tolerate retaliation

At JET we have a zero tolerance for any kind of disciplinary or retaliatory action against anyone for speaking up or collaborating with an investigation in good faith. Retaliation is a breach of our Code of Conduct and our values.


If you decide to use “Speak Up”, you will not only be protected by JET, but you will also be given specific protections by law in your own country.

Do you need more information?

If you need more information you can find the entire Speak up policy here .


Updated on June 4, 2024

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